You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > Debtor Class Specific Price

Debtor Class Specific Price

Allows prices to be set up for individual Debtor Classifications. These details can be added and deleted as required. Bulk insert, update and deletion to the inventory can be done on the Debtor Class Batch and Debtor Class Entry forms.

Field Description
Classification Displays the Debtor classification that is selected from the lookup search window
Use Qty Break Tick this box if a quantity break is required for the debtor class specific price
Quantity Break This field is only enabled if the Qty Break field is ticked. The user must enter the quantity break for each selected debtor classification. This quantity can be amended at any point
Source This field determines the pricing source for each debtor. The options available for selection include sell price, last cost, RRP or P1-P10 including future (P1 to P10)
Mode The mode determines how the debtor specific price is calculated. The debtor specific price can be set up by: 
  • Percentage - a percentage value is entered and this amount is calculated from the source price selected e.g. -2.50 will be 2.5% off the select source price
  • Actual - a dollar value added or subtracted from the selected source price
  • None - means that the amount entered in the 'amount' field is the new price
Amount The figure entered in this field calculates the new price dependent on the source and mode fields e.g. if the source is 'sell price' and the mode is 'percentage' the amount entered is the percentage to which the new price relates. This then calculates the new price accordingly
New Price The new price is calculated from the previous variables. This field is the actual debtor specific price to be used for the item
Start Date Automatically prompts the current login date and can be amended if required
End Date Automatically prompts 20 years from login date and can be amended if required


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